Rumor: Watch Dogs 3 is Releasing This Year, Set in London

If a new leak is to be believed, then Watch Dogs 3 is on track to release in 2019 and will be set in London.

Rumors surrounding Watch Dogs 3 have actually been swirling for a while, but it wasn’t until April 2018 that proof of its development was accidentally confirmed by Ubisoft’s artificial intelligence assistant “Sam”. When asked about the state of Watch Dogs 3, the AI replied: “Watch Dogs 3 is not finished yet, but from the last early build I tried it’s very solid. The Dev team works wonders! Can’t wait for you to try it!” YouTuber UbiCentral was among the first to discuss this last year, and you can check out his video here.

watch dogs

Fast forward almost a year later, and the buzz for the next Watch Dogs 3 is starting up again, with an anonymous post on 4Chan stating the game is coming this year and will be set in London. The next game will focus on a new protagonist, have smaller firearms and knives, and will place a larger emphasis on hacking. Ubisoft will also allow players to choose between a male or female character.

The news that Watch Dogs 3 is in development has seemingly been confirmed by Kotaku’s Jason Schreier.

Let us know what you want to see from Watch Dogs 3!

Tori is originally from Rapture but now she lives in Chicago. She enjoys open world RPGs, a good narrative-driven game, and is probably the only person still watching The Walking Dead.

Tori Morrow

Tori is originally from Rapture but now she lives in Chicago. She enjoys open world RPGs, a good narrative-driven game, and is probably the only person still watching The Walking Dead.

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