Fallout 76 Beta Begins in October – Here’s How You Can Register

It’s been over a month now since Fallout 76 was officially unveiled, and fan-excitement (and hesitation) is only growing stronger. While many are skeptical about the next major installment in the Fallout series being entirely online, studio head Todd Howard assured fans at E3 this is a big step for Bethesda as well, and that as a community, “we’re going to build it together.”

Today Bethesda Game Studios announced on its community forum it’s time for us all to take this leap together, because the beta for Fallout 76 begins in October.

In order to be a beta tester, Bethesda laid out a few steps. The first being that you must pre-order the game from a participating retailer, for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, or PC. Then, locate the redemption code, either on your receipt or email confirmation. Next, log in to Bethesda’s website or set up an account. Finally, enter your code. Congratulations! Now get out there and explore the country roads before the rest of the world.

Fallout 76

Something of note- The beta testing for Xbox One will begin first, followed by the other platforms shortly after.

Bethesda’s community admin also explained that while there are many questions about Fallout 76, the game is “still being iterated on, so we cannot answer everything yet, but we do encourage you to submit your questions.” More information will be revealed during the Fallout 76 panel at QuakeCon 2018 next month.

The full game of Fallout 76 will be available on November 14 for Xbox One, PC, and PlayStation 4. In case you missed it, check out the official trailer below. And remember: In Vault 76, our future begins. 

Tori is originally from Rapture but now she lives in Chicago. She enjoys open world RPGs, a good narrative-driven game, and is probably the only person still watching The Walking Dead.

Tori Morrow

Tori is originally from Rapture but now she lives in Chicago. She enjoys open world RPGs, a good narrative-driven game, and is probably the only person still watching The Walking Dead.

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