Beyond Good and Evil 2 Gameplay Reveals Augments, Co-Op, and More

Last month, the producer of Beyond Good and Evil 2, Guillaume Brunier, revealed that fans would be getting a more extended look at the game in early December. Well, that time has finally come. 

The Ubisoft YouTube channel recently streamed an hour of the upcoming game, giving us an in-depth look of what awaits us in a distant galaxy in the 24th century- everything from ruthless space pirates, to customizable vehicles, to different star systems, and the storyline. 

Beyond Good and Evil 2 is actually a prequel to the first game, taking place a few generations prior, many lightyears away from earth. We’ll play as a space pirate captain, who will have “a sword, a gun, and a jetpack as basic equipment”, and who will be tasked with recruiting the best crew possible.

You can watch the full live stream below, but in case you don’t have an hour to kill, luckily the stream has condensed into about four minutes. 

If you didn’t know already, Ubisoft made it clear during the stream that this game is a massive space opera, and includes both customizable options for characters, vehicles, and gameplay. During the stream, we learned more about augments, which can enhance your character and weapons during enemy encounters by granting you special abilities.

We also got a closer look at ship-to-ship combat, including locking onto targets with homing missiles and executing barrel rolls to avoid being hit. Beware, though: enemies can also use augments against you

While traversing the environment, players will be able to see if NPCs have qualities that are worth adding to their crew. One of the more notable points from the stream is that the game is online, and while you can play solo,  “co-op buddies can jump in and out anytime.” There is freedom in the co-op, though. Players won’t be tied to their friends during the game, and can essentially both parties can keep doing their own thing. 

You can check out the shortened trailer below. Currently, there is no release date for Beyond Good and Evil 2.

Currently, there is no release date for Beyond Good and Evil 2.

Tori is originally from Rapture but now she lives in Chicago. She enjoys open world RPGs, a good narrative-driven game, and is probably the only person still watching The Walking Dead.

Tori Morrow

Tori is originally from Rapture but now she lives in Chicago. She enjoys open world RPGs, a good narrative-driven game, and is probably the only person still watching The Walking Dead.

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