Bethesda is Offering a Sweet Bonus for Pre-Ordering Fallout 76 on PC

The B.E.T.A (Break-It Early Test Application) sessions for Fallout 76 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC are currently underway, with thousands of players scouring the world of Appalachia for the first time. Now, Bethesda is raising the incentive for fans to pre-order Fallout 76 on PC. (Sorry, console users).

Fallout 76

Reclamation Day is almost here. And recently, Bethesda announced on its official website that anyone who pre-orders Fallout 76 on PC will receive the Fallout Classic Collection as a special (free!) bonus. The Classic Collection includes the original Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics. Again, this offer is exclusively available to those who pre-oder Fallout 76 on PC.

Players who have already pre-ordered the game will still receive The Classic Collection as well. Your copy of the bundle will be available in your account “on or by” November 14.

Now that the B.E.T.A’s for all platforms is almost behind us, Fallout 76 will launch on November 14 for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. The game, which is played entirely online, is the next big step for the Fallout franchise- one that Todd Howard has stated that we’re going to “build together.” Whether you’re skeptical or excited for the game,  Bethesda has made it clear, Fallout 76 is in it for the long haul.

Tori is originally from Rapture but now she lives in Chicago. She enjoys open world RPGs, a good narrative-driven game, and is probably the only person still watching The Walking Dead.

Tori Morrow

Tori is originally from Rapture but now she lives in Chicago. She enjoys open world RPGs, a good narrative-driven game, and is probably the only person still watching The Walking Dead.

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