30th Overwatch Hero Officially Announced

After teasing a reveal of a new hero earlier in the week, Blizzard has confirmed that the 30th hero coming to Overwatch will be called Baptiste. From the reveal/origin trailer we can glean that Baptiste will be a support character as he repeatedly mentions his use of bullets and bandages, and can be seen with health packs attached to his belt.

His origin story puts him as a young child in the middle of the omnic war. After an impoverished childhood he later joined the evil organisation known as ‘Talon’ in order to try and improve his situation. However, upon realising the consequences of the path he’s chosen seemed to change course and instead became a justice dealing vigilante.

Baptiste will be the first Overwatch hero to be released in 2019. In the previous two years, Blizzard has released three heroes per year with Brigette, Wrecking Ball (Hammond) and Ashe being 2018’s releases.

We’ll bring you more news on Baptiste as and when its announced, for now you can watch his origin video in it’s entirety HERE

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