3 Characters We Hope Return in The Walking Dead: The Final Season and 3 We Hope Don’t

Characters We Don’t Need to See Again: 

  1. Eleanor

The Walking Dead

Despite her medical training, Eleanor’s presence in A New Frontier was largely unmemorable and her relationship with Tripp felt forced. Also, let’s not forget she sold Javier out to Joan for absolutely no reason. 

2. Lilly

The Walking Dead

Telltale really played on our feelings toward Lilly during Season One. One moment, we feel for her. The next, we loathe her. Then, she’s back in our good graces. Our final sentiments toward Lilly were set in stone, though, during episode three, “Long Road Ahead”. During our playthrough of this episode, Carley was still alive at this point, having saved her instead of Ben earlier in the game. After accusations escalate in “Long Road Ahead”, Lilly whips out her gun and shoots Carley dead. After deciding to leave Lilly on the side of the road for her actions, her whereabouts have been unknown to date. Honestly, though? Telltale can keep her. Return to sender.

 3. Arvo

The Walking Dead

Arvo was first introduced in episode four of Season Two. He held Clementine and her group at gunpoint, while lying to his own group and accusing Clem of robbing him (which didn’t happen in our playthrough). We never expected much of Arvo after that, but in an unexpected turn of events he ended up with Clementine’s group as a hostage. In the final episode of Season Two, Arvo shoots Clementine, rendering her unconscious, and steals boxes of supplies. If, for some reason, these two cross paths in The Final Episode, Clementine should shoot first and ask no questions.

Which old characters, if any, would you like to see make an appearance?

The Walking Dead: The Final Season is currently available for pre-order, and the first episode will release on August 14, 2018 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One. A version for Nintendo Switch will release later this year.

Tori is originally from Rapture but now she lives in Chicago. She enjoys open world RPGs, a good narrative-driven game, and is probably the only person still watching The Walking Dead.

Tori Morrow

Tori is originally from Rapture but now she lives in Chicago. She enjoys open world RPGs, a good narrative-driven game, and is probably the only person still watching The Walking Dead.

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