Far Cry 6 Officially Revealed with Cinematic Trailer

During the Ubisoft Forward event today, Far Cry 6 was officially revealed with a nearly four-minute cinematic trailer that showed off a city in the midst of a revolution, and it also gave us a look at, what seems to be, one of the franchise’s most compelling villains to date.

Far Cry 6 introduces players to Anton Castillo, who is played by Giancarlo Esposito (Breaking Bad; Better Call Saul). Anton, dictator and El Presidente of the island nation of Yara, seeks to groom his son Diego to become the nation’s next leader, one who is just as ruthless as Anton himself.

As we see in the trailer, Anton’s methods to keep Yara under control are extreme, with him giving Diego a grenade to hold and then pulling the pin. Unable to let go of the grenade, we watch Diego follow his father to edge of a building, where the city riots are escalating. The trailer ends before we see Diego’s decision to either drop the grenade over the protesters, or hold on to it. Ubisoft says that “in order to build the wealth of the nation for his son to inherit, he [Anton] will sacrifice the freedom and lives of anyone who stands in the way. Check out the full trailer below:

Far Cry 6 will release February 18, 2021 for Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Google Stadia. The game is currently available for pre-order, and those who opt to buy it early will receive the Libertad Chorizo Outfit.

Tori is originally from Rapture but now she lives in Chicago. She enjoys open world RPGs, a good narrative-driven game, and is probably the only person still watching The Walking Dead.

Tori Morrow

Tori is originally from Rapture but now she lives in Chicago. She enjoys open world RPGs, a good narrative-driven game, and is probably the only person still watching The Walking Dead.

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