Deathloop Receives a New Release Date

Bethesda has announced that Deathloop will be released on May 21, 2021. There will be a $59.99 Standard Edition and a $79.99 Deluxe Edition of the game, both of which are available for pre-order on PS5 and PC. The game was originally supposed to launch this holiday season as a timed console exclusive for the PS5. That was changed when the developers at Arkane Lyon delayed the game to Q2 2021 due to challenges they faced from working at home because of COVID-19.

Alongside the announcement of the new release date for Deathloop came the reveal of a number of different pre-order bonuses. When you pre-order the Standard Edition of the game, you’ll get a skin for Colt called “Storm Rider,” an in-game buff, and a PlayStation exclusive weapon that’s inspired by Dishonored, the company’s popular stealth franchise.

Pre-ordering the Deluxe Edition gets you everything that comes with the Standard Edition, in addition to the Deathloop soundtrack, two in-game buffs, and a different PlayStation exclusive weapon that’s inspired by Arkane’s sci-fi title, Prey. Other bonuses that come with a pre-order of the Deluxe Edition include the “Party Crasher” skin for Colt, the “Sharp Shooter” Skin for Julianna, a weapon called the “Eat The Rich Tribunal,” and another weapon called the “.44 Karat Fourpounder.”

Following Microsoft’s purchase of Arkane’s parent company Bethesda, many players were worried that Deathloop would no longer be coming to PlayStation. Those fears were quickly put to rest when Xbox head Phil Spencer confirmed that the company would honor any exclusivity agreements that Bethesda had prior to their deal. This means that PS5 owners will be the only ones able to play the game on console for a year. That’s a long time for Xbox owners to wait if they choose not to play it on PC. But if the game turns out as good as it looks, it’ll certainly be worth the long wait.

Tyler is someone with a strong passion for games and the industry surrounding them. Kingdom Hearts II is one of his favorite games of all time, and he could talk about it all day long.

Tyler Miller

Tyler is someone with a strong passion for games and the industry surrounding them. Kingdom Hearts II is one of his favorite games of all time, and he could talk about it all day long.

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