New Overwatch Short Story Reveals Soldier: 76 is Gay
In the new short story “Bastet”, which is set on the streets of Cairo, Blizzard has quietly announced that the Overwatch hero Soldier: 76 was in a romantic relationship with an unknown man named Vincent. A new skin for hero Ana Amari was also teased, but the main focus will surely be on the news of the second openly LGBTQ character to appear in Overwatch after Tracer.

In the story, Ana finds Soldier: 76 (Jack Morrison) in Egypt while he is on the hunt for former Blackwatch agent Gabriel Reyes (Reaper). Morrison is wounded in the process, and Ana carries the wounded soldier back to her home in order to attempt to nurse him back to health. It is here where it is revealed – while reminiscing over some old photos – that Morrison was romantically involved with Vincent.
Ana discusses with Soldier: 76 about the difficulties of living a life where your loved ones believe you are dead:
“You’ve never looked in on him? You must have been curious. All the surveillance power in the world. I bet Gabe would have put a Blackwatch agent on him if you asked,”
Ana said.
Jack glared at her.
“Okay, touchy subject.”
Jack laughed.
“He got married. They’re very happy. I’m happy for him.”

More information about Vincent isn’t known yet, but as Soldier: 76’s storyline and past continue to be fleshed out, I’m sure we will find out in time more about him, and what relation/impact he had on Jack Morrison and the organisation of Overwatch. You can read the full short here.
Also revealed in the short is a new skin on the way for the support class hero Ana. The skin will most likely be called “Bastet” after the Egyptian Goddess Guardian from which the mask is taken.
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